The Witcher 3 AutoLoot (Next-Gen)

Witcher 3 AutoLoot Next-Gen removes the time-consuming loot interface and assists you by automatically looting the goods you specify!

Creator: JupiterTheGod

Witcher 3 AutoLoot Next-Gen

The Witcher 3 AutoLoot (Next-Gen)
nowmods information

Credits and distribution rights

  • Assets of other users: Some of the assets in this Witcher 3 AutoLoot Next-Gen file are the property of other authors. You must get permission from these authors before using their assets.
  • Upload authorization: You may upload this file to other websites, but you must credit me as the file's creator.
  • Permission to modify: You may alter my files and distribute bug fixes or enhancements without seeking permission or credit from me.
  • Permission to convert: You are free to convert this Witcher 3 AutoLoot Next-Gen file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the file's developer.
  • Permission to utilize an asset: You may use the materials in this file without asking permission or crediting me.
  • Asset use authorization in purchased mods/files: This file's assets may not be used in any modifications or files that are sold for money on Steam Workshop or other platforms.
  • Permission to utilize assets in mods/files that earn donation points: If your modifications use my materials, you may earn Donation Points for them.

Notes from the Author
This author has made no further remarks about file permissions.

File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file

  • Version 1.0
    • Updated For Next-Gen


Works in Next-Gen Update

Updated version of No Accidental Stealing mod uploaded by JupiterTheGod
This mod does its best to eliminate the tedious loot popup.

Thanks to Yanos224 to make Next-Gen All in One AutoLoot possible…
I used This Mod as a base and modified few files, but you can use original when JupiterTheGod updates existing one.

Hope it was Useful!

The Witcher 3 AutoLoot (Next-Gen)
The Witcher 3 AutoLoot (Next-Gen)


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Download Witcher 3 AutoLoot Next-Gen Mods:

📥Next-Gen AutoLoot
AotoLoot updated
📥Next-Gen AutoLoot All in One version
Thanks to yanos224
All in One AutoLoot for Next-Gen
The Witcher 3 AutoLoot (Next-Gen)

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